All-terrain prams and pushchairs

All-terrain prams and pushchairs

If you enjoy adventuring off the beaten path or live near fields and bumpy paths, buying a pram or pushchair for your baby that suits all terrains can be an excellent choice. We look at the different options for all-terrain pushchairs to help you find the best one for you.

All-terrain prams explained

When you choose your pram or pushchair you’ll want to ensure it fits your lifestyle. If you think you’ll be using it on rugged terrain such as over fields or on bumpy roads, an all-terrain option is probably the best choice for keeping your baby comfortable and secure while letting you journey together without compromise. 

All-terrain pushchairs are designed to keep your baby’s ride smooth and comfortable when navigating off-road. They usually have extra padding for support, are a little heavier than some other pushchairs and have bigger wheels. A fixed front wheel on all-terrain prams makes them safer to push over uneven ground as the pushchair is less likely to tilt or turn by itself.

The design of all-terrain prams and pushchairs allow the chassis (or frame) to take the brunt of the bumpy ground, rather than the seat unit. This keeps your baby snug, secure and enjoying a smooth ride whether you’re journeying across a country field or a city street. 

Using an all-terrain pushchair versus a standard one can be compared to driving across a field in a Range Rover versus a Fiat 500. The latter is going to be a lot less comfortable, and the same applies when tackling off-road with your baby in a pushchair that isn’t designed for different terrains.

Choosing the best all-terrain pushchair for you

There are a number of all-terrain prams and pushchairs to choose from, you just need to decide on the one that’s best for you. 

Choices include:

iCandy Peach Forest All Terrain

  • Roomy, padded seat unit for an ultra-comfortable ride for your baby. 
  • Solid rubber tyres. 
  • Multi-wheel options: switch from 4 wheels to 3 in minutes. 
  • The pushchair can be positioned in a parent or world-facing position. 
  • Can convert from single to double, for all-terrain adventures with both a baby and toddler.

Get the full lowdown on the iCandy Peach Forest All Terrain here.

iCandy Peach Land Rover All Terrain 

  • Puncture-proof solid rubber tyres. 
  • Lockable, swivel front-wheels to suit different terrains. 
  • Four wheels. 
  • Engineered for a smooth ride, whatever the surface. 
  • Pushchair mode can be world-facing or parent, depending on your baby’s preference.

You can find out more about the iCandy Peach Land Rover All Terrain here.

Venicci Pure travel system 

  • Four wheels. 
  • Air-filled tyres. 
  • Pushchair with parent and world-facing options while you explore. 
  • Fixed or free-spinning front wheel options depending on your terrain. 
  • All-round suspension for a comfortable ride.

Read the full lowdown on the Venicci Pure 3 in 1 travel system here.

Bugaboo Fox2 pushchair and carrycot 

  • Advanced suspension to suit multiple terrains. 
  • Power steering. 
  • Still lightweight for other travel, such as on public transport. 
  • Four wheels. 
  • Foam-filled tyres. 
  • The pushchair can be positioned in parent or world-facing mode for your off-road adventures.

You can get the full lowdown on the Bugaboo Fox2 pushchair here.

Silver Cross Pioneer

  • Large, solid rubber tyres. 
  • Four wheels. 
  • Four-way suspension for a smooth ride on bumpy ground. 
  • Plush and padded seat. 
  • Parent and world-facing pushchair options for your little one. 

You can find out more about the Silver Cross Pioneer here.

Are there any downsides to buying all-terrain?

All-terrain prams and pushchairs are usually a little heavier than single-terrain options, with bigger wheels. This means they may not be as easy to store at home or in your car boot than smaller prams and pushchairs.

However, they’re suitable for steering along streets as well as off-road, so there are no disadvantages to using them on smoother ground. This makes an all-terrain pushchair a good all-round option, wherever you and your baby choose to explore.

At Little Angels Prams we offer unpressured, expert advice online, in our stores or over the telephone. Just contact us here or on 01159 305772 with your pram, pushchair, travel system or accessory questions and we’ll be happy to help.