Single pushchairs that convert to a double

Single pushchairs that convert to a double

Double buggies are a saving grace for many parents with more than one young child. Having a means of transporting your little ones around is a must, and while there are different ways to do this, using a double pushchair is often the easiest option. 

While there is a choice of double prams available for parents of twins, there is also a range of single pushchairs which can be converted to a double at a later date. This is a popular choice for many parents-to-be as it gives the option of converting to a double in the future, without committing to an extra purchase should your plans change.  

Single to double pushchairs are a great choice whether you’re expecting your first baby and plan to have another, or for parents expecting a brother or sister for their older baby or toddler.

How to convert your pushchair to a double

Not all prams convert to double pushchairs, so if you plan to have another baby within 2 or 3 years of your first, it makes sense to check which ones do. This can save you both hassle and expense further down the line. 

The following pushchairs all have the option to be turned into a double and if you’d like to find out more about them you can click straight through to their full description. 

Single to double converting pushchairs

Egg Stroller

iCandy Orange

Bugaboo Donkey3 Mono

iCandy Peach

Nuna Demi Grow

Silver Cross Coast

Silver Cross Wave

Which double buggy is best for a newborn and toddler?

To help you choose the best double or tandem pushchair for you, it’s important to think about your family’s lifestyle and how you’re most likely to use your double. 

If you want to use your double as a travel system so your newborn can be moved from their car seat to the double pram chassis, you’ll want to browse double buggies that allow this. Examples of these include the Egg Stroller, the iCandy Peach, the Bugaboo Donkey3 and the Silver Cross Coast.

It’s also worth considering the width of the pram frame or chassis once it’s converted to a double, to make sure it will fit with your usual routine, whether that’s shopping, long walks or travelling on public transport.

Other questions to ask yourself when shopping for a single to double buggy

  • Can it be used from birth?
  • How much will it cost to convert to a double?
  • How small does this pushchair fold as a double - will it fit in my car boot?
  • How will my children be seated? Options include side-by-side and one child seated in front of the other.
  • What weight will each seat hold?

Other options for transporting your newborn and toddler

If you drive a lot you may be wondering if you definitely need a tandem or double buggy. This is ultimately a personal choice and depends on several factors including how far your toddler can walk, how old they are and how reliant you might be on your pushchair once you have two little ones to manage. 

Some parents manage without a double, using a buggy board or ride-on board instead, or holding their baby in a sling or baby carrier while their toddler takes the pushchair. Other parents decide to take the plunge and either convert their single or buy a separate double buggy because they know it will offer them plenty of use, especially if their toddler still naps. 

While your choice of tandem or double buggy comes down to your family’s lifestyle and personal preference, taking time to think about what you might need can help you ensure you make a decision that’s right for you. 

As well as taking on board online advice, it may be helpful to browse double pushchair options in a store as well. This will give you insight into how different options work practically for you, your toddler and your new addition too. 

At Little Angels Prams we offer unpressured, expert advice online, in our stores or over the telephone. Just contact us hereor on 01159 305772 with your double pushchair questions and we’ll be happy to help.