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RRP £109.99
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Momi Kenani Baby Swing

The MoMi Kenani Baby Swing, the ultimate solution for keeping your little one comfortable and entertained! This electric bouncer is designed specifically for babies up to 9 kg, making it the perfect addition to your baby collection. The spacious and cozy design ensures that your baby will feel secure and supported while they play or rest.

Was £39.99
Save £4.00

Momi Luis Bouncer

The MoMi Luis Bouncer - the perfect companion for your little one! This rocker is designed with both safety and entertainment in mind, ensuring that your baby is always engaged and secure. With its vibrant colours and playful design, MoMi Luis is sure to become your baby's new favourite friend.

Was £38.99
Save £14.00

Momi Glossy Bouncer

Introducing the MoMi Glossy Bouncer - the ultimate solution to keep your little one entertained and comfortable! This lightweight and easy-to-set-out seat provides a soft padding that will make your baby feel cozy and relaxed. The ergonomic backrest is designed to support your baby's natural posture, ensuring a comfortable position at all times.

Was £64.99
Save £6.00

Momi Liss Bouncer

The MoMi Liss Bouncer is the ultimate solution for parents who want to keep their babies occupied and comfortable at the same time. This versatile baby bouncer comes with a pre-set speed feature that allows it to rock back and forth smoothly to soothe your little one. And when you're ready to turn it off, it's as easy as the push of a button.

Was £89.99
Save £20.00

Momi Lumiwood Bouncer

Introducing the Momi Lumiwood Bouncer, the perfect solution for a blissful nap for your little one. This comfortable rocker is designed to provide a soothing environment for your baby, complete with delicate melodies, joyful toys, and gentle vibrations to help them relax and drift off to sleep.