Egg Lower Car Seat Adapters


Egg Lower Car Seat Adapters

The egg® Lower Car Seat Adapters allow you to add a car seat to the lower position on your egg tandem stroller when using in twin or double mode. The adaptors are compatible with many car seats including The Kiddy Egg Evo-lunafix ,Maxi Cosi Cabrio Fix and Pebble, Besafe, Cybex Anton Q and Recaro.

Full description


Egg Lower Car Seat Adapters

The egg® Lower Car Seat Adapters allow you to add a car seat to the lower position on your egg tandem stroller when using in twin or double mode. The adaptors are compatible with many car seats including The Kiddy Egg Evo-lunafix ,Maxi Cosi Cabrio Fix and Pebble, Besafe, Cybex Anton Q and Recaro.


Whats included
Car Seat Adaptors